orion anthology

orion lavellan is my original dragon age: inquisition character - aka, my inquisitor! he is canonical to my personal dragon age world state. you can read more about him here on this website!

i wrote a few oneshots focused on orion on my tumblr blog back in 2015. i figured that i would post them here too, along with any future writing projects that i take on with orion as a main character.

(additionally, orion is stealthily featured as 'lavellan' in wicked grace - my dragon age 2 fic which can be read on ao3!)

a bet between sera and varric gets orion ruminating on his relationship with a certain mage from tevinter. set in inquisition's canon. (originally published in february 2015.)

orion skips a meeting and dorian goes looking for him. set in inquisition's canon. (originally published in march 2015.)

in which the man who works in the library across the street effortlessly catches orion's attention. loosely set in wicked grace's canon; i.e. a modern au. (originally published in march 2015.)